Results for 'Kevin Craig Boileau'

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    How Foucault can improve Sartre's theory of authentic political community.Kevin Boileau - 2004 - Sartre Studies International 10 (2):77-91.
    I believe that Sartre's theory of groups, coupled with the suppressed social ontology of BN, does provide an account of how positive and constructive social relations are possible, theoretically and practically. This explicates and makes intelligible the aspect of his concept of authentic existence that requires us to act on behalf of the freedom of all. Sartre's theory of the group does provide a basis for practical union and common effort in our social world, whereby "common" individuals can enrich their (...)
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  2. The Interplay Between Absolute Language and Moral Reasoning on Endorsement of Moral Foundations.Kevin L. Blankenship, Traci Y. Craig & Marielle G. Machacek - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Morality – the subjective sense that humans discern between right and wrong – plays a ubiquitous role in everyday life. Deontological reasoning conceptualizes moral decision-making as rigid, such that many moral choices are forbidden or required. Not surprisingly, the language used in measures of deontological reasoning tends to be rigid, including phrases such as “always” and “never.” Two studies drawn from two different populations used commonly used measures of moral reasoning and measures of morality to examine the link between individual (...)
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  3. Introduction to Virtues and Their Vices.Kevin Timpe & Craig Boyd - 2013 - In Timpe Kevin & Boyd Craig (eds.), Virtues and Their Vices. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-34.
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  4. The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration: Conference Report.Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This report highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011: 1. What is the relationship between the unity of consciousness and sensory integration? 2. Are some of the basic units of consciousness multimodal? 3. How should we model the unity of consciousness? 4. Is the mechanism of sensory integration spatio-temporal? 5. How Should We Study Experience, Given Unity Relations?
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  5. Multimodal Building Blocks? (Network for Sensory Research/Brown University Workshop on Unity of Consciousness, Question 2).Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011. This portion of the report explores the question: Are some of the basic units of consciousness multimodal?
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  6. Space, Time, and Sensory Integration (Network for Sensory Research/Brown University Workshop on Unity of Consciousness, Question 4).Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011. This portion of the report explores the question: Is the mechanism of sensory integration spatio-temporal?
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  7. Report on the Network for Sensory Research/University of York Perceptual Learning Workshop.Kevin Connolly, Dylan Bianchi, Craig French, Lana Kuhle & Andy MacGregor - manuscript
    This report highlights and explores five questions that arose from the Network for Sensory Research workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of York on March 19th and 20th, 2012: 1. What is perceptual learning? 2. Can perceptual experience be modified by reason? 3. How does perceptual learning alter perceptual phenomenology? 4. How does perceptual learning alter the contents of perception? 5. How is perceptual learning coordinated with action?
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  8. Studying Experience as Unified (Network for Sensory Research/Brown University Workshop on Unity of Consciousness, Question 5).Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011. This portion of the report explores the question: How should we study experience, given unity relations?
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  9. Modeling the Unity of Consciousness (Network for Sensory Research/Brown University Workshop on Unity of Consciousness, Question 3).Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011. This portion of the report explores the question: How should we model the unity of consciousness?
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    Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader Edited by Brian Brock and John Swinton.Kevin McCabe - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):238-239.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader Edited by Brian Brock and John SwintonKevin McCabeDisability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader EDITED BY BRIAN BROCK AND JOHN SWINTON Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. 576 pp. $45.00Disability in the Christian Tradition makes an important contribution to the growing area of theological inquiry known as “theology of disability.” While questions of physical and intellectual difference are getting much-deserved attention from (...)
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    Philosophical Virtues and Psychological Strengths: Building the Bridge ed. by Romanus Cessario, O.P., Craig Steven Titus, and Paul C. Vitz. [REVIEW]Kevin White - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (1):371-374.
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  12. Albert A. Anderson, Steven V. Hicks, and Lech Witkowski, eds., Mythos and Logos. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004, 268 pp.(indexed). ISBN 90-420-1020, $73.00 (pb). Kevin Bales, Disposable People. Berkley, Calif.: University of California Press, 2004, 298 pp.(indexed). ISBN 0-520-24384-6, $17.95 (pb). [REVIEW]Mark Coeckelbergh, Mark T. Conard, Aeon J. Skoble, William Lane Craig & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39:139-141.
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    Kevin Timpe and Craig A. Boyd, eds., Virtues and Their Vices.Kyle Strobel - 2015 - Journal of Analytic Theology 3:239-241.
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    Kevin Timpe and Craig A. Boyd (eds.), Virtues and Their Vices. [REVIEW]Liezl van Zyl - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (4):901-905.
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    Virtues and Their Vices, edited by Kevin Timpe and Craig A. Boyd.Ryan West - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (2):229-232.
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    Virtues and Their Vices, edited by Kevin Timpe and Craig A. Boyd. [REVIEW]Adam Pelser - 2016 - Faith and Philosophy 33 (3):382-386.
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    The Future of the Book: Images of Reading in the American Utopian Novel by Kevin J. Hayes (review).Matthew Leggatt - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):601-605.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Future of the Book: Images of Reading in the American Utopian Novel by Kevin J. HayesMatthew LeggattKevin J. Hayes. The Future of the Book: Images of Reading in the American Utopian Novel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. E-book, 192 pp. ISBN 9780192670960.Kevin J. Hayes is a writer of high regard, having published many books over his distinguished career, including biographical studies such as Herman Melville, (...)
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    The Instrumentality of the Virtues.I. Neminemus - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (2).
    The Virtues by Craig A. Boyd and Kevin Timpe is supposed to be a work about the virtues themselves. Virtue is not limited by language or by race, so one would expect the book to be properly multicultural. However, the entire book is Graeco-Abrahamic, except for a single chapter on Confucianism, which is sometimes erroneous and ultimately below standard. The book is also permeated by an utterly unjustified notion of the instrumentality of virtuosity, which the authors treat as (...)
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    What is bitcoin.Craig Warmke - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (1):25-67.
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  20. The Logic of Reliable Inquiry.Kevin Kelly - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (2):351-354.
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    Temporal vs. spatial information as a reinforcer of observing.Craig A. Bowe & James A. Dinsmoor - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (1):33-36.
  22. Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Financial Performance.Kevin Campbell & Antonio Mínguez-Vera - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (3):435-451.
    The monitoring role performed by the board of directors is an important corporate governance control mechanism, especially in countries where external mechanisms are less well developed. The gender composition of the board can affect the quality of this monitoring role and thus the financial performance of the firm. This is part of the “business case” for female participation on boards, though arguments may also be framed in terms of ethical considerations. While the issue of board gender diversity has attracted growing (...)
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  23. The University and the Public Good.Craig Calhoun - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):7-43.
    Universities have flourished in the modern era as central public institutions and bases for critical thought. They are currently challenged by a variety of social forces and undergoing a deep transformation in both their internal structure and their relationship to the rest of society. Critical theorists need to assess this both in order to grasp adequately the social conditions of their own work and because the transformation of universities is central to a more general intensification of social inequality, privatization of (...)
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    Education and knowledge: the structured misrepresentation of reality.Kevin Harris - 1979 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    Good,No Highlights,No Markup,all pages are intact, Slight Shelfwear,may have the corners slightly dented, may have slight color changes/slightly damaged spine.
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    Homos.Kevin Kopelson & Leo Bersani - 1996 - Substance 25 (1):120.
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    Medical Humanities Teaching in North American Allopathic and Osteopathic Medical Schools.Craig M. Klugman - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (4):473-481.
    Although the AAMC requires annual reporting of medical humanities teaching, most literature is based on single-school case reports and studies using information reported on schools’ websites. This study sought to discover what medical humanities is offered in North American allopathic and osteopathic undergraduate medical schools. An 18-question, semi-structured survey was distributed to all 146 member schools of the American Association of Medical Colleges and the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. The survey sought information on required and elective humanities (...)
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  27. The biodiversity-ecosystem function debate in ecology.Kevin DeLaplante & Valentin Picasso - 2011 - In Kevin deLaplante, Bryson Brown & Kent A. Peacock (eds.), Philosophy of ecology. Waltham, MA: North-Holland. pp. 169--200.
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    The war lover: a study of Plato's Republic.Leon Harold Craig - 1996 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
    This is an essential book for every serious student of Plato, for anyone teaching the Republic, and for every library.
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  29. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Edward Craig - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (4):813-820.
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    Beyond the Opposition Between Altruism and Self-interest: Reciprocal Giving in Reward-Based Crowdfunding.Kévin André, Sylvain Bureau, Arthur Gautier & Olivier Rubel - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):313-332.
    Increasingly, frontiers between business and philanthropy seem to be blurred. Reward-Based Crowdfunding platforms contribute to this blurring of lines since they propose funders to support both for-profit and philanthropic projects. Our empirical paper explores the case of Ulule, the leading crowdfunding platform in Europe. Our results, based on a statistical analysis of more than 3000 projects, show that crowdfunding platforms foster specific kinds of relationships relying on reciprocal giving, beyond the usual opposition between altruistic and selfish motivations. We use the (...)
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  31. Social structure and the effects of conformity.Kevin James Spears Zollman - 2010 - Synthese 172 (3):317-340.
    Conformity is an often criticized feature of human belief formation. Although generally regarded as a negative influence on reliability, it has not been widely studied. This paper attempts to determine the epistemic effects of conformity by analyzing a mathematical model of this behavior. In addition to investigating the effect of conformity on the reliability of individuals and groups, this paper attempts to determine the optimal structure for conformity. That is, supposing that conformity is inevitable, what is the best way for (...)
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  32. Creation and Nothing, A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration.William Lane Craig - 2004 - Philosophy 80 (313):455-459.
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  33. How to control disease transmission : Brazier and Harris's 'public health and private lives'.Craig Purshouse - 2024 - In Sara Fovargue & Craig Purshouse (eds.), Leading works in health law and ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    D'Alembert's Principle: The Original Formulation and Application in Jean d'Alembert'sTradé de Dynamique.Craig Fraser - 1985 - Centaurus 28 (2):145-159.
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    Divination and Human Nature. A Cognitive History of Intuition in Classical Antiquity.Kevin Bouillot - 2017 - Kernos 30:346-350.
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    Religion in Ephesos Reconsidered. Archaeology of Spaces, Structures, and Objects.Kevin Bouillot - 2021 - Kernos 34:295-297.
    Après un siècle et demi de fouilles archéologiques, Éphèse est sans doute l’une des cités d’Asie Mineure les mieux connues. Sa vie religieuse, particulièrement riche, est l’une des mieux documentées. Pourtant, de nombreuses zones d’ombre demeurent en la matière. Un ouvrage consacré à cette cité et à l’archéologie de sa vie religieuse est donc bienvenu. Ce volume fait suite à deux rencontres internationales organisées en 2014 par la Society of Biblical Literature, à Vienne, en collaboration av...
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  37. God and the Beginning of Time.William Lane Craig - 2001 - International Philosophical Quarterly 41 (1):17-31.
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  38. Communitarian journalism (s): Clearing conceptual landscapes.David A. Craig - 1996 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 11:107-118.
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  39. Economic Nostrums and Economic Practices-Accountability in Economic Journals.Craig Freedman - 2000 - In Craig Freedman & Rick Szostak (eds.), Tales of Narcissus: The Looking Glass of Economic Science. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers. pp. 131.
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    Ways into the logic of Alexander of Aphrodisias.Kevin L. Flannery (ed.) - 1995 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    Ways into the Logic of Alexander of Aphrodisias is intended to give an overview of the logic of Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl. early third century A D). Since ...
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    Thinking Sexual Difference with (and against) Adriana Cavarero: On the Ethics and Politics of Care.Kevin Ryan - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (2):222-241.
    This article engages with Adriana Cavarero's framing of sexual difference, specifically in terms of how this displaces “bodies that queer”. For Cavarero, the narratable self is inescapably relational and characterized by vulnerability, which is how ethics arises in the form of a decision between caring and wounding. At the same time, Cavarero's deconstructive method of appropriating stereotypes restricts the scope of sexual difference to dimorphism. In examining the implications of this, I build on the work of Michel Foucault and Judith (...)
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  42. Trouble in paradise? Problems for bohm’s theory.Craig Callender & Robert Weingard - 1997 - The Monist 80 (1):24-43.
    As recently documented in J. Cushing’s excellent book, throughout its almost fifty-year history, Bohm’s interpretation of quantum mechanics has been systematically misunderstood and ignored. On the rare occasions it was examined, it was usually dismissed for reasons having more to do with politics, religion, positivism, and sloppy thought, than for reasons central to physics. In recent times, however, Bohm’s theory has received much more serious attention from physicists and philosophers, thanks mainly to J. S. Bell’s positive influence on the theory. (...)
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  43. Scientific Progress: A Study concerning the Nature of the Relation between Successive Scientific Theories.Craig Dilworth - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):221-225.
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    The ethical significance of language in the environmental sciences: Case studies from pollution research.Kevin C. Elliott - 2009 - Ethics, Place and Environment 12 (2):157 – 173.
    This paper examines how ethically significant assumptions and values are embedded not only in environmental policies but also in the language of the environmental sciences. It shows, based on three case studies associated with contemporary pollution research, how the choice of scientific categories and terms can have at least four ethically significant effects: influencing the future course of scientific research; altering public awareness or attention to environmental phenomena; affecting the attitudes or behavior of key decision makers; and changing the burdens (...)
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    D'Alembert's Principle: The Original Formulation and Application in Jean d'Alembert'sTraité de Dynamique.Craig Fraser - 1985 - Centaurus 28 (1):31-61.
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    Memory and knowledge of content.Kevin Falvey - 2003 - In Susana Nuccetelli (ed.), New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge. MIT Press.
  47. In place of geometry : The materiality of place.Kevin Hetherington - 1997 - In Kevin Hetherington & Rolland Munro (eds.), Ideas of Difference: Social Spaces and the Labour of Division. Blackwell Publishers/the Sociological Review.
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  48. ‘What place, then, for a creator?': Hawking on God and Creation.William Lane Craig - 1990 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 41 (4):473-491.
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    Real Security.Kevin Cassidy - 1991 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 3 (1):39-54.
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    Rawls and the Problem of Honour.Kevin W. Gray - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (2):213-222.
    In this paper, I consider the difficult relationship between Rawls, religion and the values that religious believers might consider important in order to lead the good life. Contrary to many of Rawls’ defenders, I argue that at least some of the values that religious citizens are likely to hold cannot be accounted for under Rawls’ theory or under his conception of the good life. I argue that the model of goods which Rawls takes to be part of a thin theory (...)
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